接待来到科学说,这是中国日报的一档科普节目。 今天,我们来聊聊最近火遍各人的电影《哪吒2》里几个名步地。 哪吒重塑肉身为什么用藕粉 在电影第一部的收尾,哪吒和敖丙的肉身在天雷中被毒害,但他们的魂魄被用七色宝莲(一朵莲花)保住,最终得以更生。 At the end of the first Ne Zha movie, Ne Zha and Ao Bing's physical bodies were destroyed by heavenly thunder. Still, their souls were preserved by the immortal Taiyi Zhenren using a seven-colored lotus flower, allowing them to be reborn. ![]() 第二部的开始,太乙真东谈主用藕给哪吒和敖丙重塑形体。为什么是藕呢? At the beginning of the sequel, Taiyi Zhenren uses lotus roots to reconstruct the bodies of Ne Zha and Ao Bing. But why lotus roots? ![]() 除了藕在中国文化里有轮回与更生的秀美,何况在拓扑学的表面中,莲藕和东谈主体具有同胚议论。 Aside from its symbolic meaning of regeneration in Chinese culture, in topology theory, lotus roots and the human body share a homotopic relationship. topology:拓扑学,是磋商体式和空间的学科,要点式样在融会变形(如拉伸或障碍)下保执不变的性质。 比如,咖啡杯和甜甜圈也有同胚议论,兴味是不需要撕破和粘合,单凭拉伸和障碍,就能把杯子变成甜甜圈的体式。这种结构上的议论恰是同胚的中枢。 我们再回到电影里用莲藕“真金不怕火”成东谈主形的脑洞,蓝本真有几分真谛! 遐想一下,莲藕里面纵横交叉的孔洞正如微缩版的东谈主体血管、气管。在这个科学常识布景下,用莲藕来真金不怕火东谈主形,而不是萝卜、黄瓜,是不是有了几分真谛? 那为什么要用火煅烧才能真金不怕火成东谈主形呢? ![]() 藕粉浆是一种非牛顿假塑性流体。三昧真火的高温让藕粉完成从“稀汤寡水”到“瓷实肉身”的逆袭,也等于水分挥发+淀粉交联,酿成紧密固态汇集,近似煎饼从面糊变脆皮。是以东海龙王才会说,“三昧真火补全了哪吒重塑形体时不及的火候”。 风火轮速率有多快 接下来我们要上难度了,讲讲哪吒的高技术——风火轮。 有一位物理学家,看完电影作念了专科计算,评释了风火轮本体上是一个相对论火箭,或者说是六合级喷气背包,且在给定假定的条款下算出了它的速率。 A physicist who watched the movie did professional calculations and proved that the Wind Fire Wheels are essentially a flame-jet rocket or a cosmic-level jet pack, and he even calculated its speed. ![]() 笔据相对论火箭方程计算,在平坦时空中,如若我们忽略引力的影响,假定风火轮的喷气速率为0.3倍光速,迪士尼彩乐园三代理哪吒启航时带了满满的燃料,飞到尽头时燃料糟塌,总质料只剩启航时的1/6,那么哪吒遨游的速率将会接近光速的50%。这速率什么认识?两秒多就不错从地球到达月球。 According to the relativistic rocket equation, in flat space-time, if we ignore the effects of gravity and assume the jet speed of the Wind Fire Wheels is 0.3 times the speed of light, with Ne Zha carrying a full tank of fuel at the start and depleting it by the end, leaving only one-sixth of the initial mass, Ne Zha's flying speed would approach 50 percent of the speed of light. What does this speed mean? It means Ne Zha could travel from Earth to the Moon in less than 3 seconds. 的“雷公鞭”威力多大 在电影中,申公豹手执“雷公鞭”以一敌万,具有极大的威力。 ![]() 据官方公布数据,敖丙身高160厘米掌握,申公豹高敖丙一个肩头,我们揣度他身高为2米掌握。 笔据剧照测算,裂空雷公鞭约有5个申公豹长,即长度可估算为10米。 受到一些科学家询查的启发,我们也作念一个计算: 在模范大气压和均匀电场下,要击穿空气,需要的电场强度约为每厘米3万伏特,这意味着,雷公鞭要击穿10米的空气,在表面上需要的电压约为3000万伏特,比当今各人启动的特高压知晓的最高电压还要高近30倍。 Under standard atmospheric pressure and a uniform electric field, the electric field strength required to break down air is about 30,000 volts per centimeter. This means that to break down 10 meters of air, the theoretical voltage required for the Thunder Whip would be around 30 million volts, nearly 30 times higher than the highest voltage of the ultra-high voltage lines currently in operation worldwide. 公式:电压=电场强度×距离=30000伏特/厘米×1000厘米=30000000伏特 Formula:Voltage = Electric field strength × Distance = 30,000 volts/cm × 1,000 cm = 30,000,000 volts 高压长电弧的电流常常在数十安培到数百安培之间。假定“雷公鞭”的电弧电流为50安培,执续技巧为0.1秒,则电弧能量为15万千焦,特别于快要36千克TNT火药同期爆炸。 公式:电弧能量=电压×电流×技巧=3000万伏特×50安培×0.1秒=150000 千焦 Formula:Arc energy = Voltage × Current × Time = 30 million volts × 50 amperes × 0.1 seconds = 150,000 kilojoules 是不是嗅觉这个浅薄的鞭子科技含量满满了呢? “海底真金不怕火狱”确凿存在吗 电影中的“海底真金不怕火狱”在履行中也有原型。当今各人海底漫步着近25000座火山,远超陆地上的1500座。海底的岩浆温度高达900℃-1400℃,海水根底扑不朽。 The Underwater Hell depicted in the movie also has real-world counterparts. There are nearly 25,000 volcanoes distributed across the seabed worldwide, far exceeding the 1,500 on land. The temperature of magma under the sea can range from 900 C to 1,400 C, making it impossible for seawater to extinguish it. 在地球大气尚未富含氧气的旷古时间,火山算作为深海提供了丰富的热量和化学物资,而这些条款偶合为原始人命的出身创造了梦想环境。 电影中被“锁妖阵”困住的妖族,也许不错看作是深海顶点生态的一种秀美。 章鱼将军为什么能“自助烧烤” 再说点狂放的,还难忘“自助烧烤”的章鱼将军吗?这也不是瞎编的。 章鱼属于头足类动物,它的腕足具有超强的再生才略,仅需几周就不错再生出与原腕足功能真实无异的新腕足。 Octopuses belong to the cephalopod class, and their arms have a remarkable regenerative ability, capable of growing new arms with nearly identical functions within a few weeks. 章鱼断腕是一种高度配合的多头绪生物学流程,更是其贫窭的生计战略。 科幻作品的遐想力常常能引发科学家的灵感。章鱼将军的“自助烧烤”省略能为再生医学带来新念念路;海底真金不怕火狱与三昧真火的设定省略也能启发科学家蓄意出全新的深海探伤建造。 你还在电影中发现了哪些兴味的常识点,快来一谈疏通共享吧。 记者:闫东洁 实习生:石羽碟 |